Hello! Nice to see you! A few things have changed here but rest assured I’m still the same girl. I’ve put a password on most photos and the information that has some identifiers. I try to be as authentic as possible in my presentation here but I also want to remain as discrete as possible. Neither of us would want to be out at a lovely restaurant and have some random smuck recognize me, would we? Well, I would not. So: password.
Screen to gain access and know that I will always be very considerate of your anonymity as it is something I cherish as well.
Who I am
I am a kind-hearted confident feminine woman. I wake up with enough energy to power a small town, so I am active, very active. I strive to treat others the way I would like to be treated and always try to think about those with less fortunate realities. This makes me keenly observant and immensely appreciative of the joys you aim to bring to my life or share with me. I love to laugh, but be forewarned, it may be at your expense from time to time.
What I offer
I like to think I offer a horny-hot-wife experience; I bring my authentically happy and horny but also sassy self to the table and hope that you can keep up or at least try to because if we do get on, it will be mutually beneficial, I just know it.
Who you are
I think you can learn a great deal about a person by the way they drive; so you drive well. You don’t hit the gas and then the brake because you’re a considerate person who cares about the people that you do know. You always check your blind spots because you’re considerate of the people you do not know. You definitely do not drive slow in the passing lane because you’re well aware you do not exist alone here. You don’t think about it much because you’re unpretentious and thinking about others is simply normal to you.
You are exactly the kind of person I want to get to know.
Stay-cation and trips
A week - 17,000
additional weeks - 14,000 (or 2,000/d)
A day - 4,500
additional 2nd, 3rd, & 4th day - 3,500/d
additional 5th & 6th day - 2,500/d
Quick date*
4h - 1,700
Leisured date*
6-8h -2,400
15h - 3,200
* a minimum of 2h must be spent out. It can be dinner, a show, and/or an other activity. If you would like to stay in the entire time, please see hourly rates below.
Private dates
1h* - 800
2h - 1,300
additional time - 400/h
* the 1h rate is exclusively available weekdays from 10am to 5pm at my condo.
Couples, duos and moresomes, outcalls, early mornings, after 5pm, and weekends have a 1,300 minimum